15 Times: End Family Fire (2018)

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Every day in America, eight children are unintentionally killed or injured by a gun, often one that is found loaded and unsecured in the home.

In response and continuing our 15 times series showcasing the great work raising awareness around significant public issues, a coalition led by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, have unveiled “End Family Fire,” a campaign produced in partnership with the Ad Council and Droga5.


More than 4.6 million children live in homes with unlocked and loaded guns, and three in four know where the guns are stored in their home. The term “Family Fire” was developed for this campaign and refers to a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home that results in death or injury.

“We can all agree, eight children being unintentionally shot and injured or killed every day is simply unconscionable,” stated Kris Brown, co-president of the Brady Center. “Just like the term ‘designated driver’ changed perceptions about drinking and driving, the term ‘Family Fire’ will help create public awareness to change attitudes and actions around this important matter. This is a nonpolitical issue where gun owners and non-gun owners alike can come together and play a role in reducing the number of innocent lives lost to gun violence.”

The campaign will run in donated media nationwide across online, print and broadcast platforms. Leading media companies have made significant commitments to support the creative, including FOX Networks Group, Bustle Media Group, Refinery29, Upworthy, Meredith Corporation and the Condé Nast portfolio. Zenith USA has donated their services to support the campaign with strategy and outreach.

For additional resources including tips for safe storage, advice for talking with your family about gun safety, and home protection alternatives, please visit EndFamilyFire.org






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